Sarah Lowden's story


Sarah Lowden shares why the Three Forts Challenge Challenge holds a special place in her running journey:

" The Three Forts challenge is special to me. Pursuing my goal of 100 half marathons (currently at 61), I run The Three Forts annually. Having completed the half marathon course seven times and the full marathon in 2019, the event holds a unique place in my running journey.

In 2023, I was torn between TFC and Worthing half marathon on the same day, I emailed The Three Forts's director to join late after finishing the Worthing half marathon. They agreed! allowing me to finish Worthing at 8:30 am and start The Three Forts Challenge at 11 am, earning two medals for a 'marathon of two halves.' Another reason I like taking part in The Three Forts, is because they raise money for Ferring Country Centre. I really like the fact that a portion of my entry fee is going towards a great cause. Added to that, it is a beautiful route."

Sign up to the Three Forts Challenge today and run either the full marathon, half marathon or 5 mile run on May 5th and support the brilliant Ferring Country Centre with the sign up fee:
