
Back to your usual groups tonight. No Pete M here as he is on holiday and it’s a Committee Meeting tonight so some of the runs may be a bit shorter.

PLEASE SIGN IN ON A THURSDAY – The form is now by the door into the room near the Welcome Desk.

The Leisure Centre have asked us to remind everyone that after your off-road run please remove your muddy trainers before coming back into the Centre. Thanks for your co-operation on this.

Normal groups this week.

• 7 min Group with Jim Godden
• 8 min Group with Kevin Cundy
• 9-10 min Group with Chris Pritchard
• 10+ min Group with Suzy Cundy
• 5k Group with ??
• The Walking Group

• Tea Rota This week : James Marshall
• Tea Rota Next Week: Nikki Foss
• Welcome Desk this week : Dave Beard.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday 1st August . TRC Committee Meeting. Swan 20.45

Sunday 25th August Severn Bridge Half Marathon (& 10k)

Sunday 1st Sept: Oldbury 10 Mile. Please put this date in your Diaries to help out on the day – particularly if you did not help with the Thornbury 10k. See John Watt or Justin Taylor.

Wednesday Sept 4th. Following the success of the beginners 0 to 5k course earlier this year we are doing it all again starting 4th Sept for 9 weeks. We are limiting it to 20 people, first come first served, and already have a waiting list. If you know anyone interested, or wanting more info, please ask them to contact The course costs £10 for 9 weeks coaching” If you can help please see Kevin Wood

2019 TRC 10k Race Championships : The remaining race for 2019 is :Woodchester Park 8miles on 8th Sept

Finally, if you want to see your results on the TRC website and in the papers please make sure you enter any races as “Thornbury RC”. This also applies to your parkrun profile. If you are not down as Thornbury RC we cannot guarantee your results will be picked up

Please send any results for publication to Matt
And to Jim Godden for the TRC Website.
